Holistic Development
We engage with the parents in many ways such as home visits, monthly workshops with parents, SMC, Event Engagement, participation of parents in various school events like Women’s Day, Annual Day, Project Day, Parents Teacher Meetings and Open Forums.

The counseling program initiated this academic year will provide individual and group therapeutic intervention for students struggling with emotional and behavioral difficulties. Therapy will help with the child’s internal state of mind, building on their coping mechanism and facilitating change in the child. It is hoped that the direct and indirect counseling services will help students develop social, emotional and behavioral skills to optimize their own potentials.

In addition, students in our preprimary section due to the lack of a stimulating home environment demonstrate several developmental delays. A preventive approach aims to identify students in preprimary showing significant fine motor, gross motor and sensory delays. Students will receive an individualized intervention plan that would focus on areas of development they need help in through repeated rehearsals and practice of skills. Further, students with significant gaps in learning and poor academic performance and suspected to have a learning disability will be provided with appropriate interventions. The team will also work with all students on issues of social and emotional importance that they encounter in their day to day life. This training would better equip them to become confident and self-aware individuals.

The children who attend schools such as Educo’s, come from extremely vulnerable circumstances. Growing up in an environment of lack, with parents who are struggling to make ends meet compounded by the early exposure to negative influences has an effect on the children’s mental health and emotional well-being. In schools, similar to those run by Educo, our team has observed severe emotional and behavioral difficulties in students ranging from anger, physical and verbal aggression, hyperactivity, inability to regulate one’s emotions, anxiety, depressive tendencies suicidal ideation etc. They have observed difficulties in students that are a manifestation of severe traumatic events such as child sexual abuse, physical abuse and effects of substance abuse. These concerns, if left unattended, can manifest into serious problems as the child grows older.

Similarly, a special education program built into the school will help identify and attend to children with learning difficulties and significant gaps in learning. The cases identified may be as severe as the one described above, or less obvious as in the case of learning difficulties. Remedial teachers are assigned to help children in smaller groups cope with acquiring basic skills and concepts, which as a result of their slower grasping or learning styles have been impacted.

A comprehensive program of counseling and special education will help inculcate greater sensitivity and awareness amongst the teachers. It also helps boost student morale, improve learning outcomes and contribute towards the holistic development of children

The counseling team has assisted in the development of a robust classroom management guideline process that addresses expected behaviours for students in school, and the use of consequences to facilitate an internalization of the same. The consequences are constructive in nature and in no way demean a student. The guidelines built on our Golden Rules the core of our value system expects students to identify when they demonstrate a wrong behaviour, will serve as building blocks of their personality and character.